Saturday, May 28, 2011

The fun has already started without you.

I decided to start a blog to chronicle the work I'm doing on the home.  I see now that it's hard enough to keep up with for myself, much less to explain to others what's going on and when.  The house is in remarkably good shape for its age; my mother said it's because the owners never had children to tear up everything.  I knew immediately that I didn't really want to "change" anything.  Really, the only thing it needs is attention and all the things an elderly owner had eventually not been able to give, despite how much she loved it. 

It was apparent there had been additions over the years.  I am fortunate that relatives of Ms. Laura's live in the neighborhood and are warm and friendly people who are kind to offer insight as to what was done, and roughly when.  Her nephew has even offered a picture of the house at the time it was completed!  I'm quite anxious to get my hands on that!  He said that it says on the back "Ray Brown 1936."  The original construction layout consisted of a kitchen, dining room, bathroom (I think; not sure on that) two bedrooms and a living room.  Over time, a sunroom was added off the kitchen, and a utility room/laundry room was added off the sunroom.  In 1984, a large bedroom and very small bathroom were added for Ms. Laura's sister, who had come to live with her.

Fortunately, I've had some amazing teachers over the years who have taught me basic plumbing, carpentry, flooring, and other home improvement skills so I can save loads of money by doing the work myself.   The major expense thus far, which I couldn't do, was an electrical upgrade.  There were some hellish wiring connections made in the home and in the attached workshop and I really didn't feel like immediately losing my home (and dog, a Boston Terrier named Brian) to a fire.  That upgrade is complete, and I feel so much better now.  Here are some photos of what the home inspector and I found.  The red arrows are from his report.

Enough meter boxes?

Interior breaker/fuse boxes

Someone actually thought this was a good idea.

This looks like a great place for a random nail.  Can you say "arc?"

Since I'm already two months into living in and working on the house, I'll try to back-track as best I can to get caught up to the present.

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